Subject: Re: quadra
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Rowlands <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/13/1995 18:32:26
>How soon do you expect the 68040 version to come out?

Exclent question. I would also be interesting in an answer.

>We have got 5 Quadras
>with 16mb RAM at my high school that are just begging to run it.

At you *high school*? S**t your lucky=8A (We have four Classics. Total, and =
few Apple //s. Litterally //s. Not a //e, or //c, or //gs, //. Doesn't life
really suck? :-)

>thanks in advance


Tom Rowlands                      |<- My name.           |<- Please reply and send all mail to this=
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Macintosh and/or Apple.           |<- God's gift to human and DDF kind.