Subject: Re: More Bogo
To: None <,>
From: Peter Brewer <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/31/1995 13:48:18
>We'll take a look at the results (and why they are so bogus) next 

>                            Linux/PowerPC Project

I think what we follwers of A/UX and MacBSD want to know is about the
bogosity of the Linux/PowerPC project? Is is vapor or are ice crystals
beginning to form. ;-)

-- peter brewer

*                                                                      *
*  "Etymologies...", I said as the young ingenue turned to face me.    *
*  Then, her bright eyes widening with surprise, she exclaimed,        * 
*  "How do you manage to get something that big to fit?"               *
*                                                                      *