Subject: Re: Options
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tres Hofmeister <tres@rap.ucar.EDU>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/18/1995 12:55:29
>From the keyboard of Allen Briggs:
: There was a couple of students who were working on a Linux port to
: the PowerMac, but they were running into almost insuperable problems
: for a while--I don't know how they fare, now.
The contact for the Power Macintosh Linux port is Jem Lewis
<>. The information doesn't seem to change very
often, but try fingering the account:
Login name: jlewis In real life: Jem Lewis
Office: MU 444, 7253382 Home phone: 7985117
Directory: /people/class95/jlewis Shell: /usr/bin/ksh
Last login Wed Jan 18 14:07 on ttyp8 from mibm.ruf.uni-fre
Project: Avoiding those nice young men in their clean white suits another year
Linux for the PowerPC, coming eventually to a computer near you.
Current status: Taking on people to handle the Motorola Powerstack,
some internal restructering to accomodate them. Beta in 95
Jem Lewis MU 444, Bowdoin College, Brunswick ME 04011
(207) 798-5117
Tres Hofmeister