Subject: Re: panic: locking against myself
To: None <, macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ted Giering <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/10/1995 12:12:59
> From: Juliana Fleming <>
> Subject: panic: locking against myself
> i may have sent a message identical to this as the system i'm on has been
> experiencing mail difficulties.
> anyways, to the point, booting multi (single works but hangs often) on an se30
> 130 meg us/root 16 swap 18 macos (lacie drive), latest bins and utils. running
> with netbsd.patched kernel.
> hangs after:
> Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks.
> panic: locking against myself
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> if anyone could point me to a solution, i would be rather pleased.
> merci.
I don't recognize this as such, but thought that I would
mention that my SE/30 froze (no error message) at exactly the same
point when I attempted to boot multuser without setting 32-bit
addressing in the Memory control panel (as mentioned in my previous
message). This also allowed booting into single user mode, which hung
after a few commands. Perhaps your problem is related in some way.
Ted Giering