Subject: Re: IIcx problems
To: Matthew E. Shafer <>
From: Ivan Alves <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/23/1994 12:45:17
At 7:42 PM 11/22/94, Matthew E. Shafer wrote:
>I just spent the day installing the 1.0 install on a 88MB SyQuest
>attached to a IIcx. For the most part, things went very smoothly. In
>fact, I have been able to fully boot into NetBSD. But I've reached a
>strange problem. The booter runs fine and after a bit I get to the
>login: prompt. Typing root attempts to log me in. It is successful
>until the prompt changes to myname#. At this point, the system
>freezes. No errors are reported at anytime before this. Any

I believe that this is the ADB scrolling bug that is mentioned in the FAQ.
I seems very similar to the problem that I was experiencing before reading
about it.  All I can suggest is trying to boot as single user, type 'clear'
as the first command and see whether you make any progress that way.

If you need more information refer to the FAQ, the section of questions
and answers.  Good luck.

Ivan B. Alves -