Subject: Survey #2: Video Card Status
To: None <>
From: David Holcomb <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/15/1994 01:29:47
* Please reply directly to me or send mail to *
* with "video card survey" *
* in the subject.

In an effort to update the FAQ with correct information regarding
the status of video cards, I would like to request that everyone
send me the following information for their video card(s):

   1) video card name
   2) supported resolutions and bit-depth
   3) working/non-working/unknown
   4) which machine(s) you use this card on
   5) slot type (NuBus, PDS, LC, etc...)
   6) if card is meant to be used only with a particular brand
        of monitor(s), which monitor(s)?

#1: be verbose; list what NetBSD/mac68k reports if possible, or
use MacEnvy.  If NetBSD/mac68k is reporting information about
your card that seems suspect to you (e.g. wrong resolution or
wrong name), make a note of it and add to the end of your reply.

#3: The unknown is for the machines that NetBSD/mac68k doesn't
work on yet.

Feel free to tack an extra note with your comments if you like.

And if you are willing to lend or donate a non-working card for
us to test, indicate that as well.  We can't do much for the
non-working machines at this time, except possibly Quadras.

--Dave Holcomb