Subject: Re: Question on formatting software.
To: Steven R. Weiss <>
From: Allen 'Time?' Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/02/1994 08:09:24
> I'd stay with 2.7 from Transoft for MacBSD, but I'm not sure about its
> legality unless you have an APS drive in your collection.
> If so, check with APS if you can upgrade your software to 2.7.x
> (1-800-334-7550 APS Tech support).
You can ftp 2.7.3 from:
The AAA.README in the same directory mentions that it's available
from their BBS. I don't know, either, what the legality of using
it when you don't have an APS drive is. I haven't looked at the
package, so there might be some more info there. If anyone would
like to check and report back to the list, it might be helpful--even
better would be if someone would like to volunteer to check on the
legality of using the APS tools and, if they're free and clear,
writing up a quick HOW-TO or FAQ on how to use the tools for custom
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **