Subject: serial console (Was Re: Is 68040 kernal available??)
To: <>
From: jim howard - <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 09/29/1994 18:04:47
> In other news, I got the serial console working last night--at least for
> the Q700 ;-)--and that will be in 1.0 when it's available (I really don't 
> think that it'll be long, but don't ask me for a date)-:  This is not
> the same as the serial boot echo (which I also fixed)--the serial console 
> really is the console...  It hasn't been too thoroughly tested, but I
> dinked around in the kernel debugger for a while with it.

> -allen

not sure i understand, will you implement this
in the same manner as say a sun, ie:

if you find no video card, or dont understand the internal
video port, you default to a serial port for console i/o?
