Subject: Re: mac IIx problems
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Killourhy <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 09/22/1994 13:34:43
> >If the major stumbling block is the SCSI controller, I'd suggest looking
> >into writing in support for a third-part SCSI controller card, of which
> >From what I've heard its just as difficult to get documentation internal
> to Apple if you are an Apple technical type! This seems to be
> continuously corroborated over in comp.unix.aux when Apple folks often
> are less informed than follower's of that new group.
Apple is anal, what can I say? Maybe we should get someone from IBM to
teach them about the benefits of open systems.. :)
> >into writing in support for a third-part SCSI controller card, of which
> Support for something like the FWB sledge hammer makes alot of sense but
> are they going to give you the technical information you need?
I think if you could demonstrate that it would open a new market, yes...
If you can convince them that there is a decent-size group of people who
would buy their boards to use with NetBSD, then they probably would...