Subject: Re: This discussion
To: Richard Stallman <>
From: Brian Powell <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 09/12/1994 15:23:28
> Some people on this list are criticizing me for continuing this
> discussion here.

	Well, people should criticize merely the discussion in the wrong
group, not you in particular.

> Some people on this list are posting criticism of the LPF or of the
> GPL--sometimes including inaccurate statements about what the LPF does
> or what the GPL implies.
> Sometimes one person has done both on the same day.
> Every message I have sent to the list has been in response to a
> criticism posted by someone who is on the list.  I respond to such
> messages when I think that correcting them is important.

	This is, indeed, true.  Richard has only responded to point
raised.  He hasn't been just openly "preaching."

> If the people on the list cease continuing the discussion with
> inaccurate or hostile statements about the LPF or GNU, I will be glad
> to see it end.
> So those who would like the discussion to end, should address
> themselves to the people on the list who continue it, not to me.

	Okay, please everyone, move this discussion to a private list.

` Brian Powell                        | Engineering Scientist          `
` TRW Space Systems Integration Group |   `
` 16201 Centretech Parkway            | AOL:      BriMeister           `
` Aurora, CO  80011                   | - my opinions, not TRW -       `