Subject: Re: powerbook support?
To: None <>
From: Parag Patel <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 09/01/1994 17:28:29
>Does anyone out there know the status of the powerbook version, or
>has this been put on a back burner.
I don't know the status of the port, but from what I've heard about
Powerbooks, the port promises to be somewhat painful. The ADB uses the
newer chipset which isn't fully supported under BSD yet. Controlling
the backlighting is going to cause the most trouble. The backlighting
is why no Powerbooks handle MIDI properly. The MacOS has to poll
periodically to handle the backlighting housekeeping (which is how the
brightness is controlled) and during that time it can easily lose data
on the serial ports. What a way to control costs!
-- Parag Patel <>