Subject: IIsi test results
To: None <>
From: Dave Slotter <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/09/1994 16:13:40
I finally got the chance to test the IIsi kernal on my machine, but during
the booting process it asks me what my terminal type is. Since the keyboard
is inactive I can't answer it. Apparently this question it is asking is not
in rc, rc.local or rc.distribution, so I can't edit it out in my text
editor. What do I do to correct this problem or what information do I need
to give you to answer it? I'm running the beta1 from cray-ymp and the
7/31/94 IIsi test kernel.

(I've tried enabling logins on the first couple of terminals, but it
appears that getty hasn't been spawned by init yet. I'm not even sure if
init has been spawned at this stage of system startup so that solution
appears to be out of reach.)

I'm also running into another difficulty--I don't seem to get print output
during the booting process from either the modem or printer port on my
IIsi. Is this a problem of mine or a software incompatibility with the
IIsi? Later I'll hook up a RS232 analyzer to the system and see if anything
is happening.

Thanks for your time.

-Dave Slotter

-- (Primary)      | SysOp, The DUsers (The 1st MUG) (Secondary) | Creese Student Union Complex | 3210 Chestnut Street
215-895-2573 voicemail  215-895-2579 BBS     | Philadelphia,PA 19104-3412
