Subject: Mac IIx 8/200 available for NetBSD/Mac use
To: None <>
From: Bill Johnston <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/01/1994 14:53:15
MacBSD-general readers:
[ I'll apologize in advance to anyone who finds this message
inappropriate -- if so, PLEASE reply by personal email rather
than to the list as a whole. Thank you. ]
My aging Mac IIx, formerly running A/UX 3.0 as "",
is reaching the end of its useful life (for my purposes) and looking
for a good home. The most honorable retirement job that I can think
of would be to contribute in some way to the free unix movement,
so I'm prepared to offer it at very reasonable price to anyone who
wants to use it for MacBSD development.
It is currently configured as 8/200 with A/UX 3.0 occupying all but
10 meg of the hard disk. Two 8-bit Apple video cards are currently
installed, running a 13" NEC MacSync and 12" Apple monochrome.
A variety of external disks are available, some of which have
been used to fiddle with MacBSD -- something I (unfortunately)
no longer have enough free time to do.
Any subset of this system is potentially available to people
interested in doing serious work with MacBSD (either as developers
or active users). Thanks for your indulgence.
-- Bill Johnston (
-- 38 Chambers Street; Newark, DE 19711; (302)368-1949