Subject: Installation on SE/30
To: None <>
From: Bow-Yaw Wang <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/01/1994 10:17:26

I installed MacBSD on my SE/30 with MicroXeed 24-bit video card yesterday.
There was nearly not any problem. I thought I would solve some very nasty
installation problems but I didn't. MacBSD is cool, very cool. I like it
very much. I greatly appreciate your hard working on this project. Thank
you very much. :-)

But there are some problems which I don't know how to solve them. So I
would like to look for solution on this mailing list. The first problem
is that every time when I boot MacBSD. There are messages showing that
audio and floppy on mainbus0 are not configured. And when I use tar,
I can't use 'tar tvf /dev/fd' to list the tar archive on my floppy disks.
I would like to know if it is correct for MacBSD. If it is not, what should
I do to access floppy in MacBSD? I know it is very difficult to write a
driver for floppy (I have some programming experiences on Mac). But the
direct access of floppy will save me much time.

The other problem is that when I logout from the first virtual terminal.
MacBSD will jump into its built-in monitor usually. And then my Mac hangs.
Does anyone meet similar problems before? How could I prevent it?

Any suggestion of the above two problems are welcome. Thanks in advance.


 Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: | Bow-Yaw Wang
 whatever  you  say  to  them  they | Institute of Information Science
 translate into their own  language | Academia Sinica
 and   forthwith  it  is  something | Taipei, Taiwan
 entirely different...       Goethe | Internet:
