Subject: Re: bash patch worked
To: Peter Siebold <>
From: Bharat S. Jhaveri <bjhaveri@Arco.COM>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/20/1994 08:08:51
>On Tue, 19 Jul 1994, Bharat S. Jhaveri wrote:
>> >Well, it seem like you have bash then, and it is not a problem.  I didn't 
>> >have bash, so when I ran dt, it wouldn't run a shell, and subequently 
>> >crashed.  If you want version 1.14 of bash, let me know and I will upload 
>> >it somewhere.
>> >
>> >Pete
>> Thanks Pete. I would try out bash 1.14. If you don't mind, could you do an
>> anonymous ftp to "" and put in pub/jhaveri. The script will
>> clean everything there every 72 hours, so I will have time to retrieve it.
>> I have been mostly using ksh at work. So I like to try bash out.
>OK, no porblem, think of it as done.  It will be the binary.  If you 
>would like to try out the source, Let me know.

   Thanks Pete. I got it last night and tried it out. It worked well.
Actually, I would like to keep the source around, specially if I have to
recompile it for some reason,and also it will have some documentation. So,
if you may, would you please put it there, and I will look for it there
later today.

    BTW, others who are interested, bash will be still there at,
pub/jhaveri, for a couple of more days.

    Thanks again.

Bharat S. Jhaveri
