Subject: Re: your mail
To: Perrone Alessandro <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/18/1994 08:16:57
> signoff

Since we saw two of these last night, I think it's time for a reminder.
The macbsd-general and macbsd-development lists are run by a program
called majordomo at  All list administration
is handled by sending a message to
You should have recieved instructions on how to unsubscribe when you
were added to the list(s).

For example, you can send a request for help by sending a message
containing only the word:

You can unsubscribe/signoff by sending a message specifying which list,
so, for macbsd-general, it would be:
	unsubscribe macbsd-general

If you subscribed from/for an address other than the one you send the
unsubscribe from, you will get a bounce saying that you're not on the
list, so you can send the following:
	unsubscribe macbsd-general other_address
where other_address is the address that you wish to remove from the list.
There will be a slight delay in this one as the request has to go to the
list moderator for approval.

Please utilize the first example if you want to know any more.


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **
= Over the years you swam the ocean following feelings of your own [...]  =
== It's a shame to have to die to put the shadow on our eyes.  We don't  ==
=== want to care. Under the bridge. Over the phone. Wind on the Water.  ===
