To: None <>
From: Greg Tapolow <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/12/1994 19:15:33
Thanks to the many responces. I had used mac gzip on my one tar.tgz file but
install wouldn't acknowledge the tar file. One person suggested I download
the latest from cray-ymp, use Macgzip, and then use cpin from the installer.
This took.
I switched to 32 bit mode, changed my monitor to Black and white and ran the
booter. I got grey bars down the top 1/3 of my screen. My bernoulli drive
unmounted and it froze. I popped the bernoulli back in (it remounted) but the
system still stuck.
Here's where I am now. The Bernoulli is not the drive used for BSD
I'm running on an LCIII (which is on the "I told you so" list)
I'm willing to tweak on my end for the LCIII but I'm not sure what to look at
or what progress is being made by those that created this software.
Any advice on my next step?