Subject: Re: Video cards
To: Kevin Wilson 315-456-1404 <>
From: O}cke Oikarinen <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/01/1994 00:59:28
>>>Any negative or positive experiences to report (outside the Apple 8-bit
>>>or 1-bit cards)?  Anyone?

>>I have a supermac 8/24 that does NOT work (regardless of its bit depth setting)
>>I put the card in 1-bit 640x480 (or whatever), select boot, and it basically
>>hangs.  When I boot using the other (Apple 8bit) card (while leaving the

>>card has that size? (i can get the exact boot messages if any cares...)

>>>          ***** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac *****

>> --chas iii

>I have been having a simmular problem using a Magic 8-bit video card.  I

MacBsd also works with the Apple 8.24 card (in 1-bit mode), as you all 
may have guessed. Sorry no acceleration on this card...

Petri Oikarinen				I  Wisdom is a priviledge of
    Advisor on practical training	I    the ancient,
    Dept. of Physics, HUT, Finland	I  but the heart of a child is pure.			I	- Peter Sellers in 'The Party'
