Subject: IIx w/Daystar 50MHz & 3bmice
To: MacBSD General <>
From: Stephen Sayer <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 06/22/1994 14:42:34
I just wanted to mention to the group that I've installed MacBSD Beta-1 (2nd
release, that is, not Beta-0) successfully on a IIx with a Daystar 50MHz
accelerator on it (Yeah!) with no apparent problems. I'm still trying to
figure out how to get some ethernet going on it however. I'm much more
familiar with A/UX configuration than BSD.
Second item; I have a Logitech MouseMan that I can live without for awhile
if you folks need it to get this type of three button mouse working with
MacBSD. I don't have a huge interest in getting 3 button mouse compatibility
going, but in the interests of MacBSD I'd be happy to send it to you guys if
it'll help.
Developers, keep up the good work!
{ |}
I have a plan... if you need to know more you can finger it out.