Subject: Re: MacBSD ftp mirror down
To: None <>
From: Kevin Wilson 315-456-1404 <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 06/08/1994 14:52:51
On Tue, 7 Jun 1994 17:15:30 -0700, Markus Krummenacker wrote:

> At 11:15 6/6/94 +0200, Laurent Demailly wrote:
> > Hello folks,
> >I got queried by my responsible to stop providing MacBSD mirror here
> >on because of the US export
> >embroglio... So i regret i had removed all the files 'cept the one in
> >docs/... I hope one day there will be exportable MacBSD release or end
> >of these stupid rules...
> >
> >Sorry,
> >dl
> >--
> >Laurent Demailly - finger for PGP key
> These stupid laws are really messed up. I am sorry to hear that.
> But I am curious as to how your "responsible" found out about this, and why
> he is so concerned with keeping the site so squeaky clean. Does he
> regularly monitor the contents for "dangerous" stuff, or might it have been
> that he was informed by some US agency to put some pressure on ? I wonder
> if the NSA actually does monitor all the traffic that goes over the US
> border. Does anybody know more ? If the NSA does not monitor exhaustively,
> there would be no way whatsoever to enforce the stupid software export
> laws, and it would be just one big farce. However, if the NSA does monitor
> exhaustively (and would see this message here), it would be rather scary to
> see in what colorful ways tax dollars are being wasted.

These laws may be anoying, and may or may not be stupid in this case.  If
you are worried about secure communications try reading the UNIX/SUN tech
journals, a recent artical in one of them told you all you need to know.
As for system and account security we have enough problems with ignorant
users chosing stupid passwds and US citizens breaking into the systems.  Why
should we give foreign nationals (those not considered to be our allaies)
a tool to break into our industialy and militay systems.

PS.  France is considered to be one of our greatest enemies in the area of
     industrial espionage.  (No offence ment Laurent, I appreciate your 
     support for MacBSD, and I'm sure anyone intent on spying will get
     this info freely and easly through other channels.)

