Subject: Re: MacNosy... + ADB hacking
To: None <>
From: kr <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/15/1994 04:30:14
Sorry for the waste of bandwidth recently when my message slipped out three
times. When using Eudora (which has no error checking whatsoever) over a
noisy phone line sometimes causes the handshaking protocol to break down in
confusion, and I was not aware that the messages have already been passed
out to the net.

At 15:07 4/14/94 -0400, Allen Briggs wrote:
>There was sort of a reverse decision involving Borland and Lotus.
>Magazine is open on my desk--haven't done more than skim the article.
>BTW, this is May 1994, Unix Review...

I hope this discussion does not disturb too many people, but I find it an
important one.

There is a very good report on the chilling court case of Stac vs.
Microsoft involving the use of undocumented API calls, which were uncovered
through reverse engineering.
It can be found in Dr.Dobbs Journal, May '94, p. 137

Markus Krummenacker
