Subject: Re: emacs
To: Bharat S. Jhaveri <bjhaveri@Arco.COM>
From: Lawrence Kesteloot <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/12/1994 10:57:09
> emacs, I get error. As follows.
> # /usr/local/bin/emacs
> NVaN^NuNV: not found
> 3Y9: not found
> /usr/local/bin/emacs: /9: not found
> /usr/local/bin/emacs: /aTb/aZNqredraw-frameNVB'a&xa%a,B'a&tHy
> 4aZjB'R9
> ipB'/9
> a5H 9
> }lN^Nuredraw-displayNV 9
> `9: not found
> kh29: not found
> /usr/local/bin/emacs: }lg/a: not found
> }lN^NuNV: not found
> /usr/local/bin/emacs: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

Looks to me like it's not recognizing emacs as a binary and trying
to run it as a shell script.  Can you do a:

  file /usr/local/bin/emacs

and tell us what it says?

