Subject: Re: FAQ autoforwarder?
To: Brian R. Gaeke <>
From: Lawrence Kesteloot <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/11/1994 18:27:54
> I've got an idea-- How about setting up an alias on cray-ymp to which
> new users can send a mail message, and the FAQ will be automagically 
> returned to them? And the 'info' file for the macbsd-general list can
> contain a pointer to this address. What do you think?

The info file is currently:

> >>>> info macbsd-general
> For general questions/answers/debate/help with MacBSD.
> FAQ available for FTP from

A mail server would only help those who don't have FTP access.  These
people are not likely to easily be able to get MacBSD either.  There
is a mail server in Germany:

from which you can get a fairly up-to-date FAQ by sending a message
with this line in the content:

  send /pub/mac/unix/MacBSD/FAQ

I don't know how often it is mirrored from cray-ymp.

If people think that a mail server for the FAQ would be useful on
cray, I can set one up.  Let me know.

