Subject: FTP site
To: None <>
From: Daniel R. Risacher <magnus@MIT.EDU>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/06/1994 00:50:37
I apologize in advance for the inappropriateness of this message.
I have written a small shareware extension for users of windowmanagers
such as twm which makes mac windows look different and allows the user
to iconify windows. There is a beta version called Icon Windows on
my mac for anyone brave enough to try it. (aka Icon WDEF)
send me mail and I will give you an account.
Unfortunately, I don't have any ftpd facility more sophisticated than
NCSA telnet, which does not allow selective restrictions. Thus anyone
ftp'ed to my computer has full access to programs like
"/plugh/utilities/Hard Drive Tools/Silverlining". A really nice
formatter such as this is protected by licences, so only download what
you came for.