Subject: compiling gives me fs crash
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata CS major/CIS dept. <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/05/1994 02:06:24
I got MacBSD up and running on my SE/30 with 5M ram. I've got
ksrc.tar.gz and so on from cray-ymp:~NetBSD_Mac/compile_kern
and all the src tar files from sun-lamp or
then tried to rebuild kernel. The attempt gave me a kernel panic
"bad dir". After rebooting, fsck reported a couple of
minor (I thought) fs errors, so I repared them and continued kernel
make. Then make or cc dumped core and the machine hang up.
This time the root directory got corrupt so I had to reinstall from
Today, I tried to recompile src/*bin dirs for ps gives me infamous
"proc size mismatch" error, and got a panic again. I'm not familiar
with kernel debugger at all, so I couldn't track down the problem.
The kernel is cray-ymp:~NetBSD_Mac/new_kernels/netbsd-012394, and the
tar files are dated Jan. 5, 94, also from cray-ymp. Originally, I got
only usr.libexec.tar from and suspected it. But
I still get panics after replacing it with the one from cray-ymp.
Machine is Mac SE/30 (5M ram). The disk is partitioned as following:
name offset size cyl type
sd0a 176 129360 112 ufs
sd0b 129536 40425 35 swap
sd0g 169961 1700160 1472 ufs
--- 1870121 230824 199.85 HFS
total --- 2100945 1818.85 --- (15 heads/cyl, 77 sec/trk)
(btw, I didn't notice until now that my all partitions are *not*
aligned on the cylinder boundary... can it cause any problems? MKFS
didn't complain at all... Anyway, I don't like this, so I'll try to
align them and see what occurs).
I appreciate any pointers.
Ken Nakata