Subject: Re: gray bars on IIsi
To: None <>
From: Vuorikoski Veikko <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/24/1994 16:20:26
Jeremy Alan Green writes:

> In grantham's .plan it says that the IIsi got all of the gray bars... is
> that in the old kernel or the new?  When I attempted to boot with the
> kernel I got 4... I'm not griping or anything, I just thought you
> guys might like to know...  That's a IIsi w/ 9 megs of memory (I only told
> it about 1 meg though) and internal video, running on a 90 mb bernoulli
> cart.

 The old kernels with external videogot all. Old kernels with internal video get 7. New
ones get 4 on internal.

