Subject: To further complicate the issue...
To: None <>
From: Milo Sharp - UAF Academic Comput <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/08/1994 13:08:47
As someone recently stated, I doubt Apple main complaint is with the
users of MacBSD, which are a minute portion of their user base. But since
the authors of MacBSD have made it clear that they intend their source code
to be publicly available, perhaps Apple is more worried that their competitors
will use this code to disseminate those same secrets Apple is working so hard
to keep you from.
In other words, I doubt Apple would mind telling you what you need to
know to port BSD, as we're no threat to them. But there are other people who
could pose a threat to their monopoly (NuTek's recent Macintosh clone comes
to mind...) who could learn a lot about Apple's designs by studying the code
for a fully-ported MacBSD...
Milo Sharp
Academic Computing
University of Alaska, Fairbanks