Subject: Re: Problems with the install utility
To: Achim Neumann <achim@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
From: Michael Finch <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/06/1994 20:59:50
Achim Neumann
> run install and then we get the following error:
> Mounting partition 'A' as /
> Mounting partition 'G' as /usr.
> mounting /usr : No such file or directory
> (press <<return>> to exit)
After you create the root partition CREATE a /usr directory. Then
create the usr partition and run install the second time. It can't
mount Partition G on /usr because there is no /usr.
> By the way, has anyone more than two AUX-Partition on one hd running macbsd?
> On our system disklabel doesn't recognize more than two AUX-partitions
> (4.2BSD partitions).
This is the way disklabel was designed. I'm thinking about changing
it so that root is A, swap is B, the first USR is G the whole disk is C and
then the rest of the partitions that it finds get randomly scattered
at the other numbers.
-- | CVS Hotel, sources check in,
| but they don't check out