Subject: Optical drive? (was IIsi support...)
To: macbsd-general mailing list <>
From: Monroe Williams <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/16/1993 13:41:40
In a previous article, Valtteri Vuorikoski wrote:
>  I tried with the new non-fpu booter and non-fpu kernel on a IIsi, 17 megs
> o' memory, booting from a 128mb optical (that has been MKFSed with largely
> wrong and guessed values, since mkfs and install util give Error on
> SCSIRead() #5 and mkfs get a 0 for most values and gives some other
> errors) ... it got up to 7 bars when it seems to hang.
> 	-Valtteri Vuorikoski

In a related incident... :-)

I set up a 128Mb optical catrtidge with mkfs, etc., and was unable to
get it recognized as a filesystem under MacBSD (I boot from another
drive).  I am using an Epson optical drive (MO5010 I think, I'm not at
home right now), and during the boot process it tells me that the
device is not claimed by a driver, or something like that.  It would be
really nice to keep /usr/src on a cartridge...

Is there anything I can do to help get support for this device added?
I have worked with SCSI devices before, adding support for new tape
drives to a Mac backup program.  I have yet to do a successful kernel
build, though.  I'm sort of waiting to get the sources for the
GENERIC.48 kernel before I try again.  What's the status on the latest
release, anyway?

- monroe
