Subject: Re: Development for '040 Macs?
To: None <macbsd-development@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Rowlands <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 09/04/1995 07:42:41
One fine sunny day, someone said:
>> What can I do? I'm not sure I can do much, but I can always tryä :-\
>I'm not sure what anyone can do to help unless they can build kernels on
>their system.
What would this involve?
>> Somthing else I have been thinking about for quite some time, is there a
>> list of all the features MacBSD supports and doesn't?
>Like what?
Like colour X? (Or am I right in thinkings that this is being worked on now?)
>> Is this supposed to mean that MacBSD should be refered to as "NetBSD/mac68k"?
>Yes. It's more of a mouthful, but I think it reduces the confusion
>somewhat to not go around calling it two or three different things.
Tom Rowlands (06) 292 6854 Feel free to comment on the below sentance.
There is a reason why MacOS is the worlds most popular 32 bit OS.