Subject: Re: June 23rd sup'able kernel on IIsi
To: Valtteri Vuorikoski <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 06/24/1995 08:31:57
> ..doesn't work. First it says that ROM something is not supported on
> this machine, recognizes the internal video, and panics with an MMU
> fault right after reading the time from pram (it was illegal instruction
> once when booting single-user with a slightly haxored kernel).
The first problem is caused by a line that I have in for testing on a
IIsi because I haven't integrated the macrom.c, yet. Try not using the
IIsi-happy macrom.c and taking the IIsi-specific test out of setmachdep()
in machdep.c where it calls mrg_setvectors() or something like that.
I'll work on getting the macrom.c integrated today.
Are you using internal video?
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **