Subject: Getting MacROM Glue to work on Mac IIci
To: None <macbsd-development@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul R. Goyette <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 03/31/1995 16:11:39
Well, after much tracing etc., I finally figured out why the MacROM Glue
code wasn't working on a Mac IIci. Turns out that, at the very end of
module macrom.c there's a little routine mrg_initadbintr that is supposed
to enable the VIA1 interrupt for the ADB bus. But, it was written so
that it only set the enable bit if you were running on a plain old Mac II
(or some other variants, like the SE/30); the code doesn't execute on a
IIci, or IIsi.
I hacked the routine to execute the enable-interrupt code on a system
with current_Mac->class == MACH_CLASSIIci and it got all the way through
the ADB init code with no errors.
Now, if I can get SUPped to current and get the grf.c fix, maybe I will
really be running -current.
| Paul Goyette | PGP Public key available on request |
| | Fingerprint: 0E 40 D2 FC 2A 13 74 A0 |
| | E4 69 D5 BE 65 E4 56 C6 |