Subject: Re: booter/ci/duo
To: darrell pfeifer <PFEIFER@camins.Camosun.BC.CA>
From: Michael Finch <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 11/07/1993 14:38:41
> Mr. Grey Bar on), the booter dies with a system
> error 90 - no floating point. A closer look reveals
> that at offset 01a in load_and_boot the floating
> point registers are saved with a fmovem.
> I'm not sure if that's your compiler being 'nice'
> or someone actually putting the code in.

I built a booter without floating point instructions, maybe it will
boot.  Although, now i'm starting to think that floating point regs
might be saved in the kernel.  Anyway, give it a shot.

