Subject: Re: gzip
To: None <>
From: Space Case <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 11/06/1993 20:59:12
>From: (Keenan Brock)
>Also, if you are on a unix box and want to undo compression (sit or cpt)
>use macunpack.  it only works on binary files so you might also need
>so for 1.tar.cpt.hqx -> 1.tar.gz
>mcvert 1.tar.cpt.hqx
>rm 1.tar.cpt.hqx
>macunpack -u 1.tar.cpt.bin
>mv 1.tar
>gzip 1.tar
><sz 1.tar.gz>

Not to flame or anything, but that seems like an awful lot of effort,
and to what end?  It will have to be unzipped before the installer
can read it anyway (unless I am sadly mistaken), or unzipped once on
MacBSD.  It seems easier to me to sz the .bin file, then drop the .cpt
file on Stuffit Expander.  The economies can be seen if you are doing
a bunch of files:

  mcvert *.hqx
  sz *.bin
  (drop all .cpt files on Stuffit Expander)

The only time I see that the all-Unix method would be of benefit is if
you can d/l the files directly to the MacBSD system, bypassing the Mac
OS altogether, and this requires serial/ethernet connections.  Is there
anyone (besides Allen) who has either of these going?  (In reviewing my
archives, I see mention that GENERIC.48 has the serial driver built in.
If it works, I may just have to install Kermit and go direct. :^)

