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Re: deaft-gree-sedsh-ecc-08: small correction

--On Friday, September 03, 2010 03:59:15 PM +1200 Peter Gutmann <> wrote:
Damien Miller <> writes:

Note that our implementation does not accept compressed points. I think
that is was a mistake to allow these as optional in the RFC, because
there is no way of recovering if one side does not accept them.
From experience with TLS and S/MIME I don't think there's any danger of
anyone every using compressed points, so in practice it probably won't be
an issue. Still, it'd be useful to have errata for the RFC that removes
them or at least makes them a SHOULD NOT.
That's really not within the scope of something that can be done in errata. 
Errata can be used to point out errors in the document, where it is unclear 
or doesn't say what it was intended to say.  They cannot be used as a means 
of changing an IETF consensus protocol with a lighter-weight process than 
obtaining an IETF consensus to make the change.  Removing support for 
compressed points or changing the requirements level that applies would 
require an update in the form of a new RFC.
That said, I've no objection to the change itself.

-- Jeff

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