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crash running tests (x86_fpregs_xmm_read) under UTM(QEMU+maOS-Hypervisor) with today's -current

Running tests on ~yesterday's -current (amd64 running under UTM on
macOS), and this is the last thing I see:

    x86_fpregs_xmm_core: [0.076360s] Passed.
    x86_fpregs_xmm_read: Connection to nbt.local closed by remote host.

The console said:

[ 1753.0907783] panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "!(l->l_md.md_flags & MDL_FPU_IN_CPU)" failed: file "/Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src/sys/arch/x86/x86/fpu.c", line 149
[ 1753.0907783] cpu1: Begin traceback...
[ 1753.0907783] vpanic() at netbsd:vpanic+0x171
[ 1753.0907783] kern_assert() at netbsd:kern_assert+0x4b
[ 1753.0907783] process_read_fpregs_xmm() at netbsd:process_read_fpregs_xmm+0x122
[ 1753.0907783] process_read_fpregs() at netbsd:process_read_fpregs+0x9
[ 1753.0907783] proc_regio() at netbsd:proc_regio+0x69
[ 1753.1016891] do_ptrace() at netbsd:do_ptrace+0xc4f
[ 1753.1016891] sys_ptrace() at netbsd:sys_ptrace+0x2b
[ 1753.1016891] syscall() at netbsd:syscall+0x112
[ 1753.1016891] --- syscall (number 26) ---
[ 1753.1016891] netbsd:syscall+0x112:
[ 1753.1016891] cpu1: End traceback...

[ 1753.1016891] dumping to dev 168,2 (offset=1951, size=2096140):
[ 1753.1016891] dump fatal page fault in supervisor mode
[ 1754.1092530] trap type 6 code 0 rip 0xffffffff80f774a5 cs 0x8 rflags 0x10246 cr2 0xdeadbf17 ilevel 0x6 rsp 0xffff8f0279cccce8
[ 1754.1092530] curlwp 0xffff881219751c00 pid 1059.1059 lowest kstack 0xffff8f0279cc82c0

As you can seel the crash dump failed, or rather hung, part-way through
and QEMU went into a multi-CPU spin burning about 5-6 CPUs worth at 100%
(the VM has 8 vCPUs assigned).  Savecore recovered what there was, but
it's not usable, at least not with crash(8).

					Greg A. Woods <>

Kelowna, BC     +1 250 762-7675           RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <>     Avoncote Farms <>

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