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Re: Unacceptable firefox behavior with nouveau graphics card


Paul Goyette wrote:
1) Does this sound familiar to anyone else?  Or am I just a set-of-1 ?
I use firefox on Linux with nouveau and it works quite well, performance 
is not to the same level of a Mac or Windows "equivalent", but quite 
nice. Just to mean that Firefox+Nouveau "can" work.
I wonder if it is a specific issue for you video card, an issue with 
NetBSD or else.
2) Are there any alternatives to firefox?
Hot topic. I think you have
1) Chromium and all its other derivates. They have their own shares of issues. You might not like the interface, how it works
2) Firefox.. and derivates. There you might have some luck

I have NetBSD on a laptop with an old nvidia card. Do you have a specific way to reproduce the lag?. e.g. startup? opening a specific site? new tab?
Does it have to do with video? WebGL?

3) Any recommendations on potential replacement of the video card?
If you are on a cheap side, you could get another nvidia card, used, try 
your luck and even "compare".
You might want to tweak things in firefox. Disable Acceleration. Check 
Go into about:config and look for:



Try to tweak

bold items are changed values!


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