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Re: Error (cross) building tools from macOS

> Am 19.09.2023 um 06:50 schrieb Lloyd Parkes <>:
> Maybe ../obj wasn't clean?
> I built with " -j 6 -U -m evbarm -a aarch64 ... tools" on an M1 Pro and it completed fine. This was just after doing two Xcode updates and one macOS Sonoma update today.

Thanks for the data point! obj was clean, I had just deleted it before starting the build.

However, I found the solution now: I (used to) have a Homebrew for amd64 in /usr/local, which was put there as part of the Apple Game Porting toolkit. This has been the cause of other build failures in the past, since a lot of configure scripts are hard-wired to prefer Homebrew over anything you pass in :(

Deleting the Homebrew installation in /usr/local makes the build succeed.


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