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current - unable to rebuild gobject-introspection due to libffi


I am on netbsd 9.99.93 and current pkgsrc tree.
After upgrading the whole base system, upgrading pkgsrc is also a good idea.
pkg_rolling-replace -uv is my usual friend.

I always stop at gobject introspection, which is currently broken due to
libffi upgrade

Given the error below, there seems to be a failure right on the libffi
needed for libgirepository, but it is the one I am trying to replace, or


[77/163] Generating symbol file
WARNING: Symbol extracting has not been implemented for this platform.
Relinking will always happen on source changes.
[91/163] Generating giscanner/scannerparser with a custom command
../giscanner/scannerparser.y: warning: 7 shift/reduce conflicts
../giscanner/scannerparser.y: note: rerun with option
'-Wcounterexamples' to generate conflict counterexamples
[133/163] Generating tests/scanner/gir-bar with a custom command
FAILED: tests/scanner/Bar-1.0.gir
/usr/pkg/bin/python3.9 tools/g-ir-scanner --quiet
--output=tests/scanner/Bar-1.0.gir --no-libtool --reparse-validate
--warn-all --warn-error --namespace=Bar --nsversion=1.0
--include=GObject-2.0 --pkg=gobject-2.0 --library=barapp-1.0
--accept-unprefixed -L
../tests/scanner/barapp.c ../tests/scanner/barapp.h
ld: warning:, needed by
/usr/pkg/lib/, not found (try using -rpath or

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