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no entropy?

I just upgraded to ancient boxen to -current/amd64. One has its 256 bits,
the other has none?! I have tried playing spot the difference but
haven't spotted anything:

[     1.000000] entropy: no seed from bootloader
[     7.024989] entropy: ready
# rndctl -ls
Source                 Bits Type      Flags
raid0                     0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
ucom0                     0 tty  estimate, collect, v, t, dt
/dev/random               0 ???  estimate, collect, v
wd1                       0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
wd0                       0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
cpu1                      0 vm   estimate, collect, v, t, dv
cpu0                      0 vm   estimate, collect, v, t, dv
coretemp1-cpu1            0 env  estimate, collect, v, t, dv, dt
coretemp0-cpu0            0 env  estimate, collect, v, t, dv, dt
wm1                       0 net  estimate, v, t, dt
wm0                       0 net  estimate, v, t, dt
system-power              0 power estimate, collect, v, t, dt
autoconf                  0 ???  estimate, collect, t
seed                    256 ???  estimate, collect, v
                0 bits mixed into pool
              256 bits currently stored in pool (max 256)
                0 bits of entropy discarded due to full pool
                0 hard-random bits generated
                0 pseudo-random bits generated

[     1.000000] entropy: no seed from bootloader
[     7.383099] entropy: WARNING: consolidating less than full entropy
# rndctl -ls
Source                 Bits Type      Flags
raid3                     0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
raid2                     0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
raid1                     0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
raid0                     0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
/dev/random               0 ???  estimate, collect, v
wd1                       0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
wd0                       0 disk estimate, collect, v, t, dt
cpu1                      0 vm   estimate, collect, v, t, dv
cpu0                      0 vm   estimate, collect, v, t, dv
coretemp1-cpu1            0 env  estimate, collect, v, t, dv, dt
coretemp0-cpu0            0 env  estimate, collect, v, t, dv, dt
wm1                       0 net  estimate, v, t, dt
wm0                       0 net  estimate, v, t, dt
system-power              0 power estimate, collect, v, t, dt
autoconf                  0 ???  estimate, collect, t
seed                      0 ???  estimate, collect, v
                0 bits mixed into pool
                0 bits currently stored in pool (max 256)
                0 bits of entropy discarded due to full pool
                0 hard-random bits generated
                0 pseudo-random bits generated

both installed from the same tarballs, with GENERIC, and both apparently
with the same model of CPU, both show

[     1.991010] aes: Intel SSSE3 vpaes
[     1.991010] aes_ccm: self-test passed
[     5.142260] cgd: self-test aes-xts-256
[     5.142260] cgd: self-test aes-xts-512
[     5.142260] cgd: self-test aes-cbc-128
[     5.142260] cgd: self-test aes-cbc-256
[     5.142260] cgd: self-test aes-cbc-128 (encblkno8)

Maybe I need to toss a coin...



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