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Re: Possible regression in wm(4)?

	Hello.  That's good news.   I'll second that the patch worked

On Dec 7,  9:40am, Masanobu SAITOH wrote:
} Subject: Re: Possible regression in wm(4)?
} On 2017/12/06 22:26, Bert Kiers wrote:
} > On Fri, Dec 01, 2017 at 04:40:37PM +0900, Masanobu SAITOH wrote:
} >> Hi, all
} >>
} >> On 2017/11/22 0:21, Bert Kiers wrote:
} >>> Hi,
} >>>
} >>> A different computer with the same type motherboard has the same
} >>> problem.  A quad I350 (also wm(4)) works fine (with GENERIC netbsd-8
} >>> kernel).
} >>>
} >>> Still wondering what queue drops are.
} >>>
} >>> Grtnx,
} >>
} >>   Could you test the following diff?
} > 
} > Yes!  Works!
} > Thank you!
}   Thanks. The diff have been committed now and will be pulled
} up to netbsd-8.
} -- 
} -----------------------------------------------
}                  SAITOH Masanobu (
>-- End of excerpt from Masanobu SAITOH

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