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Re: cross-compiling ARM img question

    Date:        Sun, 26 Nov 2017 09:55:55 -0800
    From:        bch <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | I've got an invocation like this, hoping to get an armv7 img to dd
  | onto an SD card:
  | $ nice ./  -j1 -u -U -R /home/bch/releasedir -O
  | /home/bch/usr/obj_nanopi/ -m evbearmv7hf-el release
  | But the build step is trying to install things to root (/boot/...). It
  | seemed to me that the -R switch should have the release installed to
  | the supplied dir.

It does.   That's where the final release ends up.   But you're missing -D
which sets the destination DESTDIR for the build - where the binaries are


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