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Re: memtestplus

On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 08:12:21AM -0500, John D. Baker wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Jun 2017 13:09:45 +0100, Patrick Welche <> wrote:
> > On my trusty -current/amd64 laptop, I built memtestplus-5.01nb1,
> > copied /usr/pkg/mdec/memtestplus to /, and added
> > menu=Boot memtest:boot memtestplus
> > to /boot.cfg.
> > 
> > memtestplus starts on boot, I am given the option for safe mode, but come
> > what may, as soon as testing starts, the laptop reboots.
> > 
> > Does memtestplus work for you?
> My experience has been that "sysutils/memtestplus" (MemTest86+ v5.01)
> only works if built with GCC 4.5.3 from netbsd-6/i386.
> Building it with GCC 4.5.3 from netbsd-6/amd64 or any later GCC of either
> i386 or amd64 causes it to behave as you described, or simply hang the
> machine.
> It's the only reason I keep a netbsd-6/i386 installation around--to build
> "sysutils/memtestplus" which I then install on all the other x86 boxen
> I have.

Could you file a pkg PR for this memtestplus so the package people are
aware of the issue going forward?  They might be able to do something
to mark broken platform or require that specific compiler, but at least
we can try some testing.  Could qemu or VirtualBox be used for testing
memtestplus, or only actual hardware?

Johnny C. Lam

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