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Re: Sets-list error?

In article <>,
Paul Goyette  <> wrote:
>Using, when you define MKDTRACE=no _without_ defining MKCTF=no, 
>you get the following sets-lists error:
># ./ -T /build/netbsd-local/tools/x86_64/amd64 \
> 	-D /build/netbsd-local/dest/amd64 \
> 	-O /build/netbsd-local/obj/amd64 \
> 	-R /build/netbsd-local/release \
> 	-V MKKDEBUG=yes \
> 	-V MKDTRACE=no -m amd64 -j6 -x -U release
>=======  14 extra files in DESTDIR  =========
>Files in DESTDIR but missing from flist.
>File is obsolete or flist is out of date ?

Yes, they are wrong.


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