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daily CVS update output

Updating src tree:
P src/distrib/sets/lists/xcomp/md.i386
P src/distrib/sets/lists/xdebug/md.amd64
P src/distrib/sets/lists/xdebug/md.i386
P src/external/cddl/osnet/usr.bin/ctfmerge/Makefile
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/._Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/._README' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/._doc' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/._src' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._contents.html' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._index.css' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._logo.gif' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._lua.1' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._lua.css' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._luac.1' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._manual.css' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._manual.html' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._osi-certified-72x60.png' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/doc/._readme.html' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lapi.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lapi.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lauxlib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lauxlib.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lbaselib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lbitlib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lcode.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lcode.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lcorolib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lctype.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lctype.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ldblib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ldebug.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ldebug.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ldo.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ldo.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ldump.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lfunc.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lfunc.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lgc.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lgc.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._linit.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._liolib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._llex.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._llex.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._llimits.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lmathlib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lmem.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lmem.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._loadlib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lobject.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lobject.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lopcodes.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lopcodes.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._loslib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lparser.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lparser.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lprefix.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lstate.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lstate.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lstring.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lstring.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lstrlib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ltable.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ltable.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ltablib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ltm.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._ltm.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lua.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lua.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lua.hpp' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._luac.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._luaconf.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lualib.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lundump.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lundump.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lutf8lib.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lvm.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lvm.h' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lzio.c' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `src/external/mit/lua/dist/src/._lzio.h' is no longer in the repository
P src/sys/arch/x86/acpi/acpi_machdep.c
P src/sys/arch/x86/conf/files.x86
P src/sys/arch/x86/include/bootinfo.h
U src/sys/arch/x86/include/efi.h
U src/sys/arch/x86/x86/efi.c
P src/sys/arch/x86/x86/x86_machdep.c
P src/sys/net/if_stf.c
P src/sys/net/if_stf.h
P src/tools/ctfmerge/Makefile
P src/tools/mandoc/Makefile
P src/usr.sbin/ifwatchd/ifwatchd.c

Updating xsrc tree:

Killing core files:

Running the SUP scanner:
SUP Scan for current starting at Thu Jan 28 03:01:30 2016
SUP Scan for current completed at Thu Jan 28 03:01:46 2016
SUP Scan for mirror starting at Thu Jan 28 03:01:46 2016
SUP Scan for mirror completed at Thu Jan 28 03:04:05 2016

Updating file list:
-rw-rw-r--  1 srcmastr  netbsd  46085045 Jan 28 03:05 ls-lRA.gz

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