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Re: kernel fault -current of 23/24 Apr 2015

On Sat, 25 Apr 2015, Masao Uebayashi wrote:

Can't you defer attachment of your failing device?

That was my initial thought. But there are lots of potential failing devices.

A quick scan shows that there are about 125-130 sources files which attempt to register with sysmon_{pswitch,wdog,envsys}_register. Some of those are already modularized, so we could simply refuse to attach during autoconfig, since the modules' modcmd(INIT) routines would be called later, during module initialization, and in an appropriate order to obey inter-module dependencies.

But there are a lot of others which are not yet modularized, so they won't get "called later during module initialization".

An alternative might be to modify all of these 125-130 files to use config_defer() (or some new, similar, config_defer_module() routine) to delay the sysmon_*_register() calls until after module initialization.

The big problem with either of these approaches is the scope of the work. There's a lot of work to do.

And of course, the other big problem with either of these approaches is the amount of testing (including some for non-tier-1 platforms).


I'm willing to entertain other suggestions!  :)

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
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