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recent netbsd-7 certificate issue (unable to access google etc)

Is anyone seeing this?

With recent netbsd-7/amd64 (201502092140Z downloaded from nyftp), and pkgsrc rebuilt from source yesterday I'm unable to access google from firefox, and konquerer gives a certificate error for the top certificate in the chain (details below).

Common name: GeoTrust Global CA

Organisation: GeoTrust Inc.

Country: US:

Issuer Orgaisation: Equifax

Issuer Organizational Unit: Equifax Secure Certificate Authority

Issuer Country: US:

Trusted: NO, there were errors:
The certificate authority's certificate is invalid
The root certificate authority's certificate is not trusted for this purpose

Validity: 2002-05-21 04:00 to 2018-08-21 04:00

Serial: 1227750

MD5: 2e7db2a31d0e3da4b25f49b9542a2e1a

SHA1: 7359755c6df9a0abc3060bce369564c8ec4542a3

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