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Re: Add Firmware images to INSTALL kernels

-----Original Message----- From: William D. Jones
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 6:47 PM
To: Martin Husemann
Subject: Re: Add Firmware images to INSTALL kernels

I have attached a diff which will install firmware to the sshramdisk (and
standard ramdisk) by default. It appears only editing the sshramdisk
mtree.conf and list is necessary, but just in case someone uses the standard
ramdisk, I edited that as well.
Please do not apply the patch to "distrib/evbarm/instkernel/ramdisk/list" as 
is. I didn't catch this error initially, but it the change as-is prompts the 
following error during make release:
#     build  ramdisk/work
nbmtree: ./libdata: missing directory in specification
nbmtree: failed at line 699 of the specification

It appears I have to create an mtree.conf in the ramdisk directory. Before I add one, however: does mtree.conf override cvsroot/src/distrib/common/mtree.common, or create additional entries to be appended to mtree.common? I would guess the latter based on other aspects of the build system, but sshramdisk/mtree.conf includes all the directories present in mtree.conf.

The sshramdisk patch works as intended- the installation image now has wifi!

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