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Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure

This is an automatically generated notice of a NetBSD-current/i386
build failure.

The failure occurred on, a NetBSD/amd64 host,
using sources from CVS date 2014.

An extract from the output follows:

 error: declaration of 'fd' shadows a previous local
 error: shadowed declaration is here
In function 'makeholyfd':
 error: expected declaration or statement at end of input
At top level:
 error: 'doconnect' used but never defined
    *** [rumpclient.pico] Error code 1
    nbmake[7]: stopped in 
    --- rumpclient.o ---

The following commits were made between the last successful build and the 
failed build:

    2014. matt src/sys/arch/arm/arm32/pmap.c,v 1.275
    2014. matt src/sys/arch/arm/arm32/bus_dma.c,v 1.84
    2014. matt src/sys/arch/arm/arm32/pmap.c,v 1.276
    2014. matt src/sys/arch/arm/arm32/pmap.c,v 1.277
    2014. pooka src/lib/librumpuser/rumpuser.c,v 1.59
    2014. matt src/sys/arch/arm/arm32/pmap.c,v 1.278
    2014. martin src/libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/sparc64/mdreloc.c,v 
    2014. pooka src/lib/librumpclient/rumpclient.c,v 1.58

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