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a curious build failure (not the usual obviously bad changeset)

Last night, attempting to get a rpi image, I updated again and kicked
off a build of multiple architectures.

(i386 failed due to incorrect setlists as part of npf changes, which is
not mysterious.)

amd64 said that it was making set lists, and the last log line is:

Creating /usr/obj/gdt-current/destdir/amd64/etc/mtree/set.base

I found the following process:

12616 gdt        5   20  3212K 1480K CPU/3    890:56 99.02% 99.02% nbawk

which on killing resulted in

[1]   Terminated              ${AWK} -f "${run...
*** [makesetfiles] Error code 1
[more, uninteresting]

This doesn't seem to happen on e.g. evbppc builds, and it should be
using the same cross toolchain.  This is the second time this happened
(first time was also yesterday).

build host is NetBSD 6 i386.

I just did cleandir and will see if it happens again.

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